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Business Starters have to go beyond their talents

Starting a business is an outstanding new experience in live.
Business starters have not only to be clever and patient, adapt quickly to new situations and challenges.

Passion Energizes Your Talent
Passion is more important than a plan. Passion creates fire. It provides fuel.

Courage Tests Your Talent
To develop and discover our talent, we need courage. The English word courage comes from the French word coeur, which means ‘heart.’ And we need to recognize that if we display courage, our hearts will be tested continually.

Teachability Expands Your Talent
Teachability is not so much about competence and mental capacity as it is about attitude. It is the desire to listen, learn, and apply.

Relationships Influence Your Talent
Surround yourself with people who add value to you and encourage you, and your talent will go in a positive direction.

Responsibility Strengthens Your Talent
Nothing adds ‘muscle’ to talent like responsibility. It lifts talent to a new level and increases its stamina.

Teamwork Multiples Your Talent
What’s the best way to handle your weaknesses? Partner with others who have strengths in those areas. If you want to do something really big, then do it as part of a team.

New York Times best-selling author John C. Maxwell shows that talent is just the starting point for a successful impact in any organization.

Bruno Müller
Corporate Advisor „Business-Model-Innovation“
Digital Transformation – Startup Developer – Serial Entrepreneur
Lecturer for Innovation and Entrepreneurial Management


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